birthdate | 12 Jun 2011 |
mother | Absolute Aida of Mayo Land |
father | MCh.Kanix Speed Wagon |
height | 28 |
color | white, brown pattern |
coat | rough |
teeth | full month |
med.tests | PL 0/0 |
Bis is wonderful male, with great personality, right strong body, nice head and good movement. He is Junior Champion of Italy, Champion of Italy and Sweden and Vice Winner of Europe 2013!! His father is legendary male from Kanix Kennel - Kanix Speed Wagon. Bis very good passes this typical blood line to his children. And therfore I´m full of expectations for this litter.....
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Absolute Aida of Mayo Land 12.12.2005, France, 27cm, full month of teeth
Výstavní výsledky |
MCh.WW. Kanix Speed Wagon 19.6.2004, Denmark, 28,5 cm, plnochrupý, PL 0/0, 31 Champions or Winners!!! Výstavní výsledky