birthdate | 24 May 2012 |
mother | TouchStar Quintana Roo |
father | Goldsand´s Columbus |
height | 27 |
color | white and than |
coat | rough |
teeth | full month of teeth |
med.tests | PLL - clear, PL 0/0 |
Our dreaming stud male with great personality, nice movement and dark eye. He live in Italy, TouchStar Kennel.
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MCh. TouchStar Quintana Roo 9.1.2008, 28 cm, PL 0/0
MCh. C.I.B. MultiGrand Ch.Goldsand´s Columbus 31.7.2008, 28cm, PLL-clear, PL 0/0 Champion of USA, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finish, Nordic 35xBIS in US!