birthdate | 16 Sep 2013 |
gender | male |
mother | JCh.MCh.C.I.B. Erin Blue Lemon |
father | JCh. Ch. Kanix 2Much Gossip |
color | white, brown pattern |
status | sold |
Born at 8:00 p.m.
Weight 196 gramms, brown mask, with little pattern on the top of the head and on the tail.
27.9.2013 - Benjamin open his eyes as a first:-)
Male with the right personality of Jack Terrier, everything he exploering and he has still good humor. He is play games in every time.
Now I can say, that thet he is one of the moste successfull puppy, which was born in my kennel. We are sou proud of him. He finished a new title of Interchamipon and next he had prepare. Out of him are more than ten litters around.
Video :
Polish Champion
German VDH Champion
German KFT Champion
Polish Club Winner'16
vice Polish Winner'16
vice Polish Winner'15
Best Polish JRT'15
Best Dog in Szczecin'15
Best Dog in Szczecin'16
1x3BIS 1x4BIS 7x1BOG 4x2BOG 2x3BOG 1x4BOG
29xBOB 2x BOS 14xCACIB 32xCWC 5xKFT 6xVDH BEST COUPLE 1, 3x2, 4.
× |
JCh. Kanix 2 Much Gossip DOB - 12.6.2011, Denmark, 28sm, full dentition, PL 0/0 Show results
JCh.Ch. C.I.B. Erin Blue Lemon DOB - 16.3.2010, CZ, 27,5 sm, full dentition, PL 0/0, PLL - clear Show results