birthdate | 16 Sep 2013 |
gender | female |
mother | JCh.MCh.C.I.B. Erin Blue Lemon |
father | JCh. Ch. Kanix 2Much Gossip |
color | white, brown pattern |
status | sold |
Born at 8:30 p.m.
Weight 194 gramms, brown mask, and brown pattern on the tail, all body is white.
28.9.2013 - Bisquit open her eye today, she is realy littlest cool girl :-)
Video :
R.I.P 2.4.2014 - Bisquit unfortunately gone accros the rainbow bridge to the dog´s will be stay in my heart!
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JCh. Kanix 2 Much Gossip DOB - 12.6.2011, Denmark, 28sm, full dentition, PL 0/0 Show results
JCh.Ch. C.I.B. Erin Blue Lemon DOB - 16.3.2010, CZ, 27,5 sm, full dentition, PL 0/0, PLL - clear Show results